Ethan, Olivia and I had a wonderful trip visiting my mother-in-law’s family in Oklahoma City during Thanksgiving week. The drive wasn’t too bad and having DVDs ready to play was a must! During our trip, we visited with Ethan’s grandmother, uncle, aunt and cousins, most of whom had not met Olivia before. Ethan is a Sooner, so he had friends in the area that he was able to catch up with too. In between meals with family, we tried to find activities that would entertain Olivia. With the Children’s Museum membership that we have in Houston, we were able to get into the OKC Science Museum (formerly known as the Omniplex) for free. That was nice, and we actually went there twice. We also found a great “tot lot” and went a couple times to for Olivia to play. We were thankful to have been able to spend time with family and to have had the chance to take a family vacation, since we hardly have any alone time. We plan to go up every other year.

We survived the 7-hour drive with movies, purple bear and baby.
Bubble area at the Science Museum
Having fun at the Greens Tot Lot real close to our hotel.
Dinner at PF Changs, where Olivia taught GG how to use chopsticks!
At the beginning of November, Ethan and I decided to start our own “25 Days of Thanks Giving” lists. I stole the idea from a friend on Facebook, and it really has opened up our eyes and hearts to see all that is worthy of thanks not just this month, but throughout the year. I wanted to share with you my list. They are not in any particular order.
1. Ethan – Ethan and I have been through thick and thin and I am so lucky to call him my husband of 6 years. He is really the coolest dad EVER too! Olivia loves having him push her on the swing. I just can’t say enough about him – he’s forgiving, kind, sweet, gentle, funny and open-hearted. He’s just the best.
Hyatt Lost Pines
2. Olivia – This little kid is growing too fast and I just do not have enough smiles, hugs and kisses for this child. I can’t handle how cute and smart she is. Just last week she started answering questions with a question of her own – palms up, shoulders shrugged and saying “hmmm?” Cutest thing ever! I just wonder what’s going through her mind. Probably “purple bear,” “shoes,” “Elmo” and “fruit.”
Olivia's first birthday photo shoot at our wedding venue.
3. Hot water and heater (cold water and a/c) – The other night, I slept with two layers of clothing, our sheet, comforter and a 5 lb. chenille blanket on. I am convinced that we have loose heating ducts into the master bed and bath and Olivia’s room. But, yes I am still thankful for warmth and the a/c for the other 11 months of the year.
4. Ethan’s job – I love that Ethan loves his job and the people there, but mostly I love being able to stay home with Olivia.
5. Girlfriends – Whether you are down the road, in San Antonio or across the country in New Jersey or Washington DC, I love you all. What I am thankful for the most is that even if it’s been 2 weeks or 2 months since we last spoke, we are able to pick up right where we left off.
Our engagement party - 2004
6. Cameras – More so, of the digital kind.
7. Places for Olivia to play – We love places here, there and everywhere: parks, story time, Chick Fil A, McDonald’s, Houston Arboretum, Children’s Museum, the Zoo, and other people’s houses.
8. Quiet days at home – Especially on rainy days when we stay in our PJs.
9. Olivia’s naps – We usually work our schedule around her nap, because they are MUCH needed for her and the adults! Olivia’s thankful most for naps too, because that’s when she has her poopies, ha!
10. Maomi being in College – A year ago this time, I wasn’t even sure if she was serious about being collegiate at all. But, I am thankful that she’s at University of North Texas and that’s she’s taking this seriously. She just declared herself a kinesiology major.
11. Olivia’s babysitters – Grammy, Paw Paw and Grandma rock.
12. Quiet time – It’s a necessity to read God’s word, listen to and speak to God daily.
13. “Just the 3 of us” time – As most of you know, my mom lives with us (and my sister when she’s home from college), so whenever I am able to spend time alone with my two favorite people, I savor it like there’s no tomorrow.
14. Food – I am thankful that we can afford to have warm meals every day.
15. My aunt’s team of doctors, nurses, techs, etc. – My aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer back in March. She’s taken every single form of treatment that the doctors have allowed. She is hanging in there! I hope to have a good report from her next doctor’s appointment!
16. Going around the block with Olivia – We like to wait for daddy to get home to go around in either the stroller or radio flyer wagon. I am thankful for having the energy sometimes to even go jogging with Olivia in the stroller.
17. Playgroup – It’s been a great way to get to know other mommies from our church and to explore fun places in and around Houston.
18. Alone time with Ethan – Again, we don’t get much, so I am thankful when Ethan plans date nights.
19. Church – I just love our church family. I am thankful each Sunday for the helpers in the nursery in Olivia’s room.
20. Family vacations – Again, we don’t get much time alone, so I enjoy getting away and dream to be on the Amazing Race one day. Ethan and I traveled quite a bit before Olivia, but now I am excited to make trips a tradition with Olivia. I am itching for another cruise.
21. Clothing – I am thankful that we have warm clothes to wear when it’s cold outside.
22. Ethan’s sense of humor – I am thankful that his sense of humor rubs off on me too. I have been known to take things too personally, but he has taught me to be better about it.
23. Trip to OKC
24. Our home – I am thankful that we live in a safe area for Olivia to grow
25. Christmas – None of these things would be possible without our heavenly Father and Jesus’ birth day. I am so undeserving of everything, but He is such a good and gracious God. This is our first year to cut down our own Christmas tree.
My mountain man